But my hands are blue…

I’m sure at one time or another we’ve all seen and episode or two of Bill Cosby’s “Kids Say the Darndest Things.”  And they really do have that innocence and ability to come out with whatever they may be thinking at the time.  And although many of us may want to speak what is on our minds, we’ve learned (at least some of us) to filter or tone down what we say.

Fortunately, children don’t worry about such things and I’ve learned over my experience (albeit limited) that children are honest, blunt, and very creative.  I thought I would share with you some of the little morsels I’ve heard along the way….

Question:  What do our hearts do, why do we need them?

Answer: Because if they stop (your heart) you die.

Question: Why is it good for us to exercise?

Answer:  So we can sit down and watch TV all day.

Question: Do we know why the dinosaurs are extinct?

Answer:  Because at first there was a lot of water.  And the dinosaurs kept drinking all the water.  And Jesus came and told the dinosaurs, “Stop drinking all the water!!!”  But the dinosaurs didn’t listen and Jesus got really mad and he came and killed all the dinosaurs.

Question: What is this (pointing to the CD-Drive)?

Answer: A cup holder.


I guess the message here is: Kids can be kids.  And why shouldn’t they be?


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