Take notes like a BOSS!

I thought I would have some fun with this post!  Lately, I’ve been teaching some note-taking and organization sessions and loving it! (I guess my inner nerd is making a statement!).   During these sessions we take a look at things like:

1. How to use a planner
2. How to make an effective study-schedule
3. How to prepare for upcoming projects and tests
4. How to take some (awesome) notes

Now, I know that the note-taking ‘thing’ may sound old-school and entirely outdated, but I bet you could to the same thing on your computer.  Unfortunately, even though I do use the computer, I feel like I don’t really remember anything unless I write it down.  That’s why I still have a planner (archaic I know!), but I think that having a written record of something is better than having a million-and-one alerts in my phone. (Maybe that’s just me, I know we all have to do what works!)

So, I’m going to share with you the note-taking method I learned in high school.  Now, these notes have a name, but I don’t remember it!


Fold the side with the holes over about 1/4 of the way

On the same side as the holes, write your main headings, indent for sub-headings

On the other side write your key terms and definitions

How to study:

Fold the side with the holes back, that way you show all your headings and can quiz yourself on the terms and definitions!
